Friday, 24 April 2015

Feeling privileged

Yes, I'm feeling privileged to be a singer-songwriter. I knew early on that my passion was for music and that I would be involved in it at some point. I could have been involved in a number of aspects of the music world but I am glad to say that for me being a singer-songwriter is a perfect fit. One of the reasons is that due to my life course I have many things to write about, many feelings to express, and a strong need to be unshackled and let free when it comes to showing these emotions. I will always have a great feeling of excitement when before me lies a blank sheet of paper waiting for me to create something....something from within me, and I will always feel excited about seeing the beginnings of a song start to take shape and become something.
           The great thing for me is that the modern obsession of wanting to "be someone" or a "houshold name" is of little interest to me.....If it happens it happens......but here's the rub.....whether it does or doesn't, nothing changes for me...because I know what I am and dont need to be told by anyone whether my work is worthy or not, the constant feedback from my loyal fans tells me that, and they are the one's I do it for other than myself.
                  My message to my fellow singer songwriters is this...If you know that you write stuff that moves people, makes them feel....then you have have everything.
My music consists of writing, performing and growing in ability and knowledge....getting better at what I do....these things fuel my passion.....and that passion has already rewarded me well !.......Have a great weekend !

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